Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither has it entered into the heart of man, what things God has prepared for them that love him.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

March for Life 2019

Yesterday, New York governor Andrew Cuomo signed a bill legalizing abortion up to birth.

This past weekend was the March for Life in Washington D.C.  Hundreds of thousands were in attendance, but the only media coverage was due to a situation that developed after the actual march.  A group of Catholic school students who attended were waiting by the Lincoln Memorial when they were harassed extensively by one group and then approached by a second group.  The resulting "confrontation" was recorded and photographed by many.  The initial headlines led to much anger and hostility and even threats toward the students.  A thorough viewing of the videos confirms that the students did nothing wrong.  Some of those who rushed to judgment apologized.  Many did not.

As in so many media firestorms in recent years, the truth no longer seems to matter.

Several years ago, I wrote about the horrors of abortion.  Nothing about the horrors has changed.  The truth of abortion remains the same.  

Abortion is the deliberate, unjustified killing of a human child.  

The only reason this is legal is the location of the child---the womb of his mother.  

How can this be?  How can it be logical that, in one building, doctors endeavor to save the life of a baby born at 26 weeks while in a nearby building, another "doctor" is busy deliberately killing a 32 week enwombed baby?  

Why not simply deliver the baby?  What have we become?

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